Complete Snapshot Form Below

for Private Investment Partner Consideration.




Collaboration is a “meeting of the minds” process. The client and MR&A will complete a Collaboration Phase. The material provided by the third-party institutional investor will allow us to better understand the scope of the project. The schedule will take approximately 4 business days to provide the client with coordination and formatting to present the oppertunity to our Private Institutional Investment Partner.

By completing this phase, we can perform one of the following:

  • Consolidate the information and help prepare the investor’s deck so you can present the case to your investors. Our involvement with the Project ends here, or
  • We can present the Project to our investor network on your behalf as per the scope of service.

Required Contents of Project Summary for Collaboration Phase: Project Summary – One or two-page summary of the project, encapsulating the nature of the project, licensing, regulatory, stakeholders and equity structure, liquidity and available finances, financial projections, latest status, risk register, constrain and advantages. Please identify unique strengths and risk factors. (If your Project Summary is unavailable MR&A will develop the summary throughout the collaboration phase.)

  • Pro Forma P&L – A Bottom-line Pro Forma Income Statement summary listing expected income, EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization), projected for a minimum of five years.
  • Biographies – Summary biographies of the project principals and key managers, highlighting relevant experience specific to their role in the project, while a full resume may be required in the future, they are not required at this time.
  • Proposed Exit Strategy for any third-party investor(s).
  • Accounting Review – With focus on key areas
  • Business Plan Survey – State of Business Plan.

In this phase, the project’s Business Plan and supplementary materials will be thoroughly reviewed by MR&A. Questions will be asked and then recommendations will be made by MR&A to strengthen the client’s business case, in other words, to prepare the client’s project for proper presentation to prospective investors. When needed we will issue a Recommendation Letter (task list) for the client’s project as the outcome of the collaboration.